
Tutor Guided Learning

Acquire great tips and tools to prepare efficiently for your Diploma exam with our highly experienced international tutors


This tutorial programme will guide you through the entire syllabus to ensure you fully understand the learning material and are well prepared for exams.

Tutor Guided Learning (TGL) is an online learning support programme available for all Diploma courses:

Diploma in Brewing Modules 1, 2 & 3
Diploma in Distilling Modules 1, 2 & 3
Diploma in Packaging Module 1, 2 & 3

TGL consists of weekly sessions with highly experienced international tutors that cover the entire syllabus to ensure you fully understand the learning material and are well prepared for exams.

You will participate in forum discussions with the tutors and fellow learners, practice exam-style questions and receive personalised feedback from subject matter experts.

These live online group tutorial sessions run over 18 weeks from January to May. If you cannot attend any of the live sessions video recordings are available for you to watch when it is more convenient.



Time slots covering various days of the week and times of the day are available for each Module. Please check the course information pages for more information.

For 2023, w/c 23rd January to w/c 22nd May

Diploma Exams

From 6th to 15th June 2023


Tutor Guided Learning

Recommended support for all Diploma Exams




You would need to register for your Diploma Qualification before booking TGL. Please visit MyIBD/MyQualifications and upgrade to Tutor Guided Learning.

Tutor Guided Learning Benefits

  • Personalise your learning by participating in live online sessions delivered by IBD accredited tutors, in groups of less than 20 candidates
  • IBD tutors are handpicked experts in their field, are certified in online learning delivery and located around the globe.
  • Participate in the dedicated TGL forums, where you can ask your tutor questions and discuss topics with other learners
  • Reinforce your learning with access to all the recorded tutoring sessions
  • Learn from the comfort of your home
  • Expand your knowledge and network with international tutors and learners
  • Complete practice exam-style questions and get feedback and tips to be fully prepared for the exam

What Previous Candidates Are Saying?

“The TGL gave me the engineering knowledge to start critical thinking. It's amazing how many improvements we have now in the pipeline due to the learning I had with the TGL and IBD in general. The third module it's essential for a person who wants to manage or build a distillery because gives the foundation knowledge and golden rules of engineering, design and environmental sustainability. ”
Daniele Buonincontri
Distillery Manager at Brewdog Distillery
“Having not studied for a formal exam in around 30 years, the exam techniques and how to interpret keywords in the questions were really useful. The sessions helped me to understand aspects that did not make sense at first and aided my ability to retain the information. Our tutor was excellent. His level, style, passion, and supportive approach were upper quartile”.
Will Weston
Brewer at Bowland Brewery
"The TGL was a great way to learn brewing theory while working and living on a remote island. The tutorials went into topics in-depth and the tutors were very amenable to questions (very patient, engaging and motivating too)! In all three modules, they went beyond what I would have expected by discussing related issues. Quizzes and exam tips techniques were very useful to prepare for the exam".
Dr Zanna Scott-Drew
Laboratory & Quality Manager at Cretan Brewery
"The TGL program was fantastic for helping to develop a deeper understanding of concepts through practical examples and facilitated discussions. I also found it important for improving my confidence in answering a variety of problems."
Marie Claire Jarratt
Beverages Technology Manager at Asahi Beverages
“I liked the level of interaction with the tutor and the other students in sessions very open and engaging. The weekly tutorials were a great tool to keep the study momentum going from January to the exam in June. Attend in-person to learn from tutors and fellow candidates”.
Sarah Dowling
Blender and Distiller in the Irish whiskey industry

Our Tutors

You can book your Diploma exam and TGL programme at the same time by adding TGL to your booking.

You can also add TGL to your exam later on. 

Why Choose the IBD?

The IBD provides the most widely recognised professional beverage qualifications in the world.

We’ve been around since 1886 and have built a trusted reputation in the industry for the highest quality learning material, excellent support for learners and our rigorous exams. Since we began professional qualifications in the 1950s, we have qualified over 100,000 brewers and distillers across the globe.