
Diploma & Master - Support FAQ

Diploma & Master - Support FAQ

The Diploma and Masters are all examinations that are assessed in an online proctored session on the IBD Examination Platform, TestReach. 

Candidates can log in up to 15 minutes before their examination start time. This window is used to allow candidates to check their set-up, complete a system check, check ID and confirm with a proctor that they are ready to begin their examination.

Candidates are then recommended to use the first 15 minutes at the start of the examination window as reading time to plan how they are going to attempt the questions.

June 2022 Examination session


Exam Paper format

Duration of Examination


Section A = 30 x short answer questions

Section B = Any FOUR (4) from SIX (6) to be answered, totalling 80 marks (20 marks each)

195 mins


Paper 1:

Short answer questions, totalling 100 marks

Paper 2:

Long answer questions – Any FOUR (4) from SIX (6) to be answered, totalling 100 marks (25 marks each)

Paper 1 and Paper 2 are both 135 minutes each.


There is a one hour gap between the two papers

It’s very straightforward for candidates to access.

Log into your TestReach account once you have scheduled their exam time and the tutorial is listed as a tab at the top of the page, see screenshot below:


There is a detailed tutorial available for all candidates to use to give you the opportunity to try out the system. The tutorial includes all the functionality that you may require to complete the Diploma and Master exams, including the opportunity to try out the following functions:

  • Using bullets or numbering for any answers requiring a list
  • Creation of a table for any answers requiring a table as part of the answer
  • Math / Greek letters and symbols for any answers requiring equations or special characters
  • There is a notepad function enabled at the top of the page
  • There is a calculator enabled at the top of the page


The tutorial is an hour in length so you can use the full hour or exit it after you feel you have spent enough time in it. [Note that all candidates may take it as many times as they wish in the days before their exam].

The IBD Examination Board recommends that candidates use this detailed tool to give themselves plenty of opportunities to practise their skills before taking the exam.

The next dates for the Diploma and Master examinations will run from 6th to 22nd June 2023.

Please see the table below for the specific date for your examination.

The Diploma and Masters Examinations are scheduled to take place as follows:


Date of Examination

Diploma in Packaging – Module 1

6th June 2023

Diploma in Distilling – Module 1

7th June 2023

Diploma in Brewing – Module 1

8th June 2023

Diploma in Brewing – Module 2

13th June 2023

Diploma in Distilling – Module 2

14th June 2023

Diploma in Packaging – Module 2

14th June 2023

Diploma in Brewing – Module 3

15th June 2023

Diploma in Distilling – Module 3

15th June 2023

Diploma in Packaging – Module 3

15th June 2023

Masters in Brewing – Module 1

19th June 2023

Masters in Distilling – Module 1

19th June 2023

Masters in Brewing – Module 2

20th June 2023

Masters in Distilling – Module 2

20th June 2023

Masters in Brewing – Module 3

21st June 2023

Masters in Distilling – Module 3

21st June 2023

Masters in Brewing – Module 4

22nd June 2023

Masters in Distilling – Module 4

22nd June 2023


Candidates will be allocated a specific examination slot on the relevant examination date.

No, all of our Diploma and Masters level examinations are online.

The examination is an online proctored session, therefore the examination can be taken in a location convenient to you. It is important that candidates think about their environment when deciding where to take the examination. All candidates must ensure they take their examination under exam conditions so candidates must ensure they choose their environment wisely.

Please note that all candidates must read and adhere to the information noted IBD Examination Regulations document as all candidates must comply with the rules stated within the document, regardless of examination location.  

Candidates must have access to a good, stable internet connection (minimum internet speed of 2 Mbp, but recommended internet speed of 2.4 Mbp).

Candidates must use either a laptop or desktop PC and this must have a working webcam and microphone. No chromebooks, tablets or phones can be used to take the examination.

To make sure that the proctor can see you and your desk, you will need to have a webcam that is moveable, whether that’s by moving a laptop or moving the web camera.

The IBD online proctored exam platform works well on both Mac and Windows operating systems.

The TestReach platform shows the time in 24 hour clock format.

The TestReach platform shows the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.

Once you have scheduled your exact slot you will be sent a confirmation email from TestReach. This will confirm the exact slot you have chosen and will also state the time zone that you have set, see image below as an example: 

Immediately prior to the examination:

If candidates are unable to access the internet or are aware of issues with their connection immediately prior to the examination they must apply for a mitigating circumstances claim directly to the IBD (Exam Policies (ibd.org.uk))

On the day of the examination:

If candidates experience issues with access to the internet during the examination they should work with the proctor in the first instance, to see if the issues can be resolved. If it is not possible to resolve the issues candidates must submit a mitigating circumstances claim directly to the IBD (Exam Policies (ibd.org.uk))

If you have a medical reason that prevents you from taking the exam, please contact the IBD at accounts@ibd.org.uk to provide you with further details on when the next available exam session will be and steps on how to reschedule. A medical note must be provided for any deferral request.

Full guidance for what to do if you experience any problems during your exam is contained in the joining instructions that will be emailed to you before the exam date.

In most cases, you will be able to continue with your exam once you have regained your connection and you may be able to communicate with your proctor via the chat box.

However, if the loss of connectivity is longer than the scheduled exam time or you are unable to complete the exam then please follow the guidance noted in the IBD Mitigation policy (Exam Policies (ibd.org.uk)). If there are any issues candidates must submit a mitigation claim and IBD will look into all claims on a case by case basis.


The only exception to this is if you are going to be in a different country or time zone from the one you originally registered with. For example if you have had to travel for work and need to change your time zone you must contact IBD immediately so that we can change the time zone. You must provide evidence of this if requested by the IBD.

Please note that it is not possible to change the date of your exam.

Yes, there are strict rules that must be followed. These are detailed in the IBD Examination Regulations (Exam Policies (ibd.org.uk))

Yes. Only 2 pieces of plain A4 paper are permitted in your exam. You will be required to show this to your online proctor at the start of your exam.

Yes. It may be necessary to carry out calculations in the Diploma or Masters exams.

You will have access to an online calculator in the TestReach proctoring system, alternatively you are permitted to have a non-programmable scientific calculator, which will be the only calculator type permitted in your exam. You will be required to show this to your online proctor at the start of your exam.

On the day of your examination, you must:

  • Bring Identification – On the day of the examination you will be required to show a government issued photo ID to the proctor via webcam. Acceptable forms of identification include: Driving License, Passport or Government issued photo identification card.

Your identification must be in date. Expired ID will not be accepted.

No other forms of ID will be accepted.

  • Username and password – You must ensure you have your username and password ready to log in at your start time. If you cannot remember these you must contact the IBD BEFORE the day of your examination so these can be re-sent to you.


  • Login to Portal – Login into the IBD Examination Portal, TestReach and connect with the online proctor.

Yes. All the online proctored exams are recorded for marking and moderation quality purposes.

If a candidate requires a Comfort Break they must contact the proctor as the validation checks will need to be re-confirmed before the exam can continue.

For full details please also refer to the Examination Guidelines (Exam Policies (ibd.org.uk)


All parts of the syllabus may be covered in the examination questions. Questions will cover the breadth and depth of the syllabus so candidates are recommended to cover all aspects as part of their revision preparation.

All Master Brewer and Distiller Module 5 papers should be submitted by 23rd June 2022 via email to examinationboard@ibd.org.uk.

Exams Results Publication Dates

The IBD Examination Board has a sequence of procedures that it needs to follow to ensure that the exams are marked and moderated correctly.

The IBD aims to release candidate results for the Diploma and Masters exams by end of September 2022.

All results are published in a candidate’s MyIBD account.

All candidates will be sent an email confirming when the results have been published. The email will explain how to access results through your MyIBD account.









*Passing grade

**Failing grade

Master candidates who do not meet the passing threshold for any 1 of the 2 papers will receive an overall ‘Fail’ result

Any candidate who fails to meet the minimum passing grade and wishes to take the assessment again is required to register via the IBD website (www.ibd.org.uk) to book a new examination. Candidates must check the website for details of when the next registration window will open. Resits are not permitted.


IBD provides certification via a secure digital platform.  Once the results are published and uploaded to this platform, you will receive log in details and guidance to access your certificate.   The certificates can be viewed by any third party that you give access to for verification.